BN Timetables – Phase 2: Regions

These timetables were published after the initial Mar 3, 1970 issue.  They include the Billings, Chicago, Denver, Omaha, Portland, Portland-Seattle, Seattle, Seattle-Portland, Springfield and Twin Cities regions. Special instructions were issued as separate publications.

C&S and FW&D remained separate corporate entities from BN. Timetables and special instructions were combined.

Billings Region

Time Table (Montana, Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #7 4/28/73 #12 4/27/75 #17 9/8/76 #22 10/30/77 #27 6/16/80
#3 5/1/71 #8 6/10/73 #13 6/12/75 #18 10/31/76 #23 4/30/78 #28 10/26/80
#4 6/20/71 #9 10/28/73 #14 9/15/75 #19 4/21/77 #24 10/29/78 #29 4/26/81
#5 11/14/71 #10 5/19/74 #15 10/26/75 #20 6/15/77 #25 10/1/79 #30 10/25/81
#6 6/11/72 #11 9/15/74 #16 6/15/76 #21 9/8/77 #26 4/27/80 #31 4/25/82
Special Instructions (Montana, Yellowstone and Rocky Mountain Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #5 10/28/73 #8 8/1/77
#3 6/11/72 #6 5/19/74 #9 10/29/78
#4 4/29/73 #7 10/26/75 #10 11/9/80

Chicago Region

Time Table (Chicago, Ottumwa and Hannibal Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #6 4/30/72 #10 9/15/74 #14 10/31/76 #18 10/29/78
#3 5/1/71 #7 11/5/72 #11 4/27/75 #15 4/24/77 #19 5/4/80
#4 7/12/71 #8 4/29/73 #12 10/26/75 #16 10/30/77 #20 10/26/80
#5 11/14/71 #9 5/19/74 #13 4/25/76 #17 1/8/78 #21 7/26/81
Time Table (Chicago and Galesburg Divisions)
#22 4/25/82
Special Instructions (Chicago, Ottumwa and Hannibal Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #5 5/19/74 #8 10/29/78
#3 11/5/72 #6 10/26/75 #9 11/16/80
#4 10/28/73 #7 8/1/77 #10 7/20/81
Special Instructions (Chicago and Galesburg Divisions)
#11 4/25/82

Denver Region

Time Table (Lincoln and Alliance Divisions)
#9 9/15/74 #10 4/27/75 #11 10/26/75 #12 4/25/76
Time Table (Nebraska, Colorado and Alliance Divisions)
#13 10/31/76 #16 10/30/77 #19 10/28/79
#14 4/24/77 #17 1/8/78 #20 10/26/80
#15 5/1/77 #18 10/29/78 #21 4/25/82
Special Instructions (Lincoln and Alliance Divisions)
#7 4/25/76
Special Instructions (Nebraska, Colorado and Alliance Divisions)
#8 10/31/76 #10 10/29/78 #12 11/16/80
#9 8/1/77 #11 10/28/79 #13 4/25/82

Omaha Region

Time Table (Lincoln and Alliance Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #4 7/12/71 #6 11/5/72 #8 5/19/74
#3 5/1/71 #5 11/14/71 #7 4/29/73
Special Instructions (Lincoln and Alliance Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #3 11/5/72 #4 4/29/73 #5 10/28/73 #6 5/19/74

Portland Region

Time Table
#2 10/25/70 #4 6/20/71 #6 6/11/72 #8 10/28/73 #10 9/15/74
#3 5/1/71 #5 11/14/71 #7 6/10/73 #9 5/19/74 #11 4/27/75
Special Instructions (Portland Division)
#2 10/25/70 #3 6/11/72 #4 10/28/73 #5 5/19/74
Southern Pacific – Oregon Division, Cascade Subdivision
#9 11/14/71

Portland-Seattle Region

Time Table (Spokane, Pacific and Portland Divisions)
#1 6/12/75 #4 1/1/76 #7 9/8/76 #10 6/15/77 #13 1/8/78 #16 10/29/78
#2 9/15/75 #5 4/25/76 #8 10/31/76 #11 9/8/77 #14 (no date) #17 10/1/79
#3 10/26/75 #6 6/15/76 #9 4/24/77 #12 10/30/77 #15 7/30/78 #18 10/28/79
Special Instructions (Spokane, Pacific and Portland Divisions)
#1 1/1/76 #2 8/1/77 #3 10/29/78

Seattle Region

Time Table (Spokane and Pacific Divisions)
#3 10/25/70 #6 11/14/71 #9 12/17/72 #12 10/28/73 #15 9/15/74
#4 5/1/71 #7 6/11/72 #10 4/29/73 #13 2/3/74 #16 2/23/75
#5 6/20/71 #8 8/13/72 #11 6/10/73 #14 5/19/74 #17 4/27/75
Special Instructions (Spokane and Pacific Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #3 6/11/72 #4 10/28/73 #5 5/19/74

Seattle-Portland Region

Time Table (Spokane, Pacific and Portland Divisions)
#19 2/3/80 #22 8/3/80 #25 4/26/81
#20 4/27/80 #23 9/8/80 #26 10/25/81
#21 6/15/80 #24 10/26/80 #27 4/25/82
Special Instructions (Spokane, Pacific and Portland Divisions)
#4 11/16/80

Springfield Region

Time Table (Springfield, Tulsa and Memphis Divisions)
#1 7/26/81
Special Instructions (Springfield, Tulsa and Memphis Divisions)
#1 7/26/81

Twin-Cities Region

Time Table (T.C. Terminal, Twin Cities, Lake, Fargo, Dakota and Minot Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #3 5/1/71 #4 6/20/71 #5 11/14/71
Time Table (Minnesota, Wisconsin, Fargo and Dakota Divisions)
#6 6/11/72 #9 5/19/74 #12 4/27/75
#7 6/10/73 #10 9/15/74 #13 6/12/75
#8 10/28/73 #11 4/16/75 #14 9/15/75
Time Table (Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota Divisions)

#18 10/31/76#22 9/9/77#26 10/29/78#30 10/26/80

#15 10/26/75 #19 2/15/77 #23 10/30/77 #27 10/1/79 #31 10/26/81
#16 6/15/76 #20 4/24/77 #24 3/1/78 #28 4/27/80 #32 10/25/81
#17 9/8/76 #21 6/15/77 #25 4/30/78 #29 6/25/80 #33 4/25/82
Time Table (Joint CMSP&P / BN)
Go here.
Special Instructions (Terminal T.C., Twin Cities, Lake, Fargo, Dakota and Minot Divisions)
#2 10/25/70 #3 6/11/72 #4 10/28/73 #5 5/19/74
Special Instructions (Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota Divisions)
#6 10/26/75 #7 8/1/77 #8 10/29/78 #9 11/9/80

Colorado and Southern

Time Table and Special Instructions (Denver Division)
#1 8/1/71 #2 6/10/73
Time Table and Special Instructions (Colorado Division)
#3 10/31/76 #4 7/15/79 #5 11/16/80

Fort Worth and Denver

Time Table and Special Instructions (Joint Texas Division, with CRI&P)
#1 1/1/69 #2 6/18/72 #3 12/29/74 #4 6/27/76 #5 7/31/77 #6 4/15/79 #7 11/9/80
Time Table and Special Instructions (Fort Worth Division)
#1 7/19/70 #2 6/10/73 #3 8/3/75 #4 7/31/77 #5 4/15/79 #6 11/9/80

This page last updated on 1/18/2013.