The contribution of manuscripts, photographs and information for publication in The BN Expediter is encouraged and welcome.

Anything published in The BN Expediter must be focused on the Burlington Northern Railroad, its successors and the Montana Rail Link. Information and/or pictures that give historical perspective or context are acceptable (e.g., pre-merger road numbers). The disposition of a locomotive, other piece of equipment or property is also acceptable. We encourage you to contact us with your idea first to insure it fits within these guidelines.

We will then work with you, no matter what your skill level, to produce an attractive, interesting and informative article.

The process we go through once you submit your work is:

  1. We confirm the reception and give you initial feedback. This includes the right to reject any article that we feel is not appropriate for publication.

  2. We work with you to make the content of the article as good as we can. This may include providing extra information you may not have had or known about, including data, documents, photos, and maps (as appropriate). We will, when appropriate, point out any possible errors we find. However, we don’t have the resources to ensure that everything you say is correct – that is your responsibility.

  3. Once the content is finalized, we will lay out the article, along with all the ancillary material we have, and send you a draft (pdf) as it will actually look in print for you to check. You can correct our errors, suggest changes and/or improvements, and we will iterate perhaps several times until we both agree the article is ready for publication.
    We will not print your article without your final approval.

  4. You will eventually receive complimentary copies of the issue your article appears in according to our policy at the time. If you want more for whatever reason, you can pay for them in advance at the
    current going rate for back issues. Just inform us prior to the printing of the issue so we can print enough extras and charge you for them.

  5. The next step is that your article, as part of the quarterly issue, will go to our printer. If you have already indicated that you would like to be paid for your article then payment will be sent to you according to the current FOBNR going rate.

  6. The issue is mailed to our members, and you will be sent your complimentary copies and any extras you ordered along with this mailing.