1. Locomovtic?
  2. SD70MAC BN EMD Parts Catalog
  3. TEBC-6 Operation Manual
  4. SD-60M Operation Manual
  5. Locomotive Mech and Elec Systems (Pink Cover)
  6. Locomotive Draining 6-84
  7. F-40PH Head End Manual
  8. SD-60M-AC Manual White (5×7) 3-93
  9. TY&E
  10. Rules Ins. For Nortown Yard (Yellow) 51227-7-75
  11. GCOR (Black Hardcover) 15248 12-89
  12. GCOR (Black Hardcover)
  13. Yard Management Systems 4×6 (yellow)
  14. GCOR fORM 15428 12-89 Blue Hardcover 10-29-89
  15. GCOR fORM 15445 12-89 Light Blue Hard/Plastic 2-15-88
  16. Train Dispatcher Manual Form 5522 2-84 Dark Blue
  17. GCOR 1980 Hard Paper cover (Olive Green) x2
  18. Air Brake Rules (Red Cover) Form 15338 2-87
  19. Operating Rules Form 15248 4-86
  20. Operating Rules Form 15248 1-83
  21. Operating Rules Form 15248 1-85
  22. Pocket Guide to Operating in Pasco Yard Form 50217 1-71
  23. Operating Rules Form 15248 9-79
  24. SPINS Portland Oregon 8-74 Car Spotting
  25. SPINS Portland Oregon 8-72 Car Spotting
  26. SPINS Bellview/Kirkland 1978 Car Spotting
  27. SPINS Everett 5-73 Car Spotting
  28. SPINS Seattle Washing 1992 Car Spotting
  29. SPINS Willbridge Oregon 8-74 Car Spotting
  30. GCOR Light Blue Plastic 15472 4-86