(click here for more photos)

FBNX 1993 on John Parker’s HO-scale “BNSF Fall River Division
FBNX 1994 on Kent Charles’ N-scale “The BNSF Chicago Racetrack
FBNX 1995 on John Adams’ N-scale “I&M Rail Link”

Make your own personal FOBNR ACF covered hopper car with these decals. Each set makes one car. The decals are available in HO and N scales, and can be ordered either by clicking below (and paying via credit card or Paypal), or by printing this form, filling it in and sending it with your check or money order to our company store.

HO-101: HO Scale Cascade Green ACF 4600 Covered Hopper (two color logo) – $10 (Shipping Included)

N-101: N Scale Cascade Green ACF 4600 Covered Hopper (two color logo) – $10 (Shipping Included)

HO-102: BNSF Hopper Brown ACF 4600 Covered Hopper (white logo) – $10 (Shipping Included)

N-102: BNSF Hopper Brown ACF 4600 Covered Hopper (white logo) – $10 (Shipping Included)