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When John Carr discontinued his CarrTracks website, a lot of historically important information about the BN became inaccessible. John has gratiously donated the relevant web pages and images to the FOBNR, which now hosts John's treasure trove of information.

Burlington Northern
Freight Train Symbol History
for Trains 100 Through 129

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BN train 182 began in 1970. Train 182 became train 100 Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Dilworth, Winnipeg (set out at Dilworth for train 883), Northtown, and beyond. In 1989 the schedule was changed to terminate at Galesburg.

182 Pasco 830A  Chicago 230A  3 71
182 Pasco 830A  Chicago 1115P  2 73
182 Hoquiam 530A  Chicago 1159P  4 76-80
182 Portland 600P  Chicago 1130P  3 81
100 Pasco 630A  Chicago 550A  3 86
100 Pasco 630A  Northtown 900A  2 3/88

BN train 197 began in 1970. Train 197 became train 101 Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Pasco and beyond. It would fill with traffic for Dilworth.

197 St. Paul 1100P  Portland 1000P  2 71
197 Chicago 1100A  Portland 1000P  2 73
197 Chicago 130A  Portland 305A  3 80
197 Chicago 230P  Portland 305A  4 81
101 Northtown 700P  Portland 800A  3 86
101 Northtown 500A  Pasco 1230P  2 12/87-88

Train 102 began Jan. 15, 1988 and handled priority traffic for Whitefish, Shelby, Dilworth, Northtown, and beyond. It would fill with traffic for Great Falls, Laurel, and beyond at Wenatchee and Whitefish. In 1989 the schedule was changed to originate in Seattle.

102 Wenatchee 300P  Northtown 1110A  3 6/88

BN train 103 began in the late 70s

103 Galesburg 345P  Pacific Jct. 330A  1 81

CB&Q train 97 connected with GN train 97 (West Coaster) at Union Yard in Minneapolis as a run through from Chicago to Seattle. They retained the same number after the merger. During 1979 the schedule was changed Train 97 became train 103 on Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Northtown, Spokane, Wenatchee, Everett, and Seattle. In 1989 the schedule was changed to terminate in Pasco.

CB&Q 97 Chicago 230P  Union Yd 1230A  1 68-70
GN 97 Union Yd 230A  Seattle 800P  1 68-70
BN 97 Chicago 230P  Seattle 800P  2 71
BN 97 Chicago 1100A  Seattle 800P  2 73
97 Chicago 830A  Seattle 1040P  2 80
97 Chicago 230A  Seattle 1040P  2 81
103 Chicago 330A  Seattle 1220P  3 86
103 Chicago 330A  Seattle 800P  3 3/88

BN train 104 began in 1970 became train 432 Jan. 1, 1985 and was deleted later that year.

104 Galesburg 1030P  Peoria 100A  1 71
104 Galesburg 415P  Peoria 800P  73

GN train 82 connected with CB&Q train 82 at Union Yard in Minneapolis as a run through from Seattle to Chicago. They retained the same number after the merger, but with a revised schedule. Train 82 became 104 on Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for the CSX, GTW, and BRC (set out at Eola) and Chicago.

GN 82 Seattle 300A  Union Yd 1100A  2 69
GN 82 Seattle 100A  Union Yd 1100A  2 70
CB&Q 82 Union Yd 100P  Chicago 1235A  1 69-70
BN 82 Seattle 100A  Chicago 1130P  2 2/71
82 Seattle 1201A  Chicago 1115P  2 4/71-73
82 Seattle 1030P  Chicago 1120P  3 76-81
104 Seattle 800P  Chicago 1159P  3 86
104 Northtown 830P  Chicago 1145A  1 5/88

BN train CRN operated from Chicago to Northtown and became train 105 on Jan. 1, 1985. It was deleted in early 1986.

Train 105 began Sept. 26, 1988 and operated from Spokane to Seattle.

BN train 80 began in 1970 During 1972-3 the schedule was changed to terminate at Galesburg and connect with trains 107 and 135. Train 80 became train 106 on Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Minot, Dilworth, Northtown, and beyond.

80 St. Paul 1201P  N. St. Louis 900P  1 71
80 Portland 730A  Galesburg 230A  4 73
80 Portland 800A  Northtown 125A  3 80
106 Spokane 1100P  Northtown 500A  3 6/88

Train 107 handled traffic for Whitefish and Spokane. It also handled speed restricted cars such as 45mph bulkhead flat cars. In 1989 the schedule was changed to originate in Chicago.

107 Northtown 800A  Spokane 1150A  2 86
107 Northtown 530P  Spokane 530P  3 1/88

Train 108 began Nov. 14, 1986 and operated as needed. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Eola and for Conrail train BNEL for reclassification at Elkhart, IN.

108 Northtown 530A  Chicago 800P  5/88

Train 110 began March 1, 1988 and handled priority traffic for Chicago for Conrail train BNEL to Elkhart, IN. It would fill with traffic for Northtown at Pasco.

110 Pasco 230P  Chicago 330A  3 3/88

BN train SLA handled traffic for Portland and SP to Los Angeles became train 111 on Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for SP train BNWCP to West Colton. In 1989 the schedule was changed to originate in Vancouver, BC.

111 Seattle 1100A  Vancouver 700P  86
111 Seattle 100P  Vancouver 900P  11/87-88

BN train LAS handled traffic from SP from Los Angeles and became train 112 on Jan. 1, 1985. In 1988, it handled priority traffic from SP train EUBNM from Brooklyn Yard for Tacoma, Kent, and Seattle. In 1989 the schedule was changed to originate at Lake Yard and terminate in Vancouver, BC.

112 Portland 1230P  Seattle 900P  86
112 Portland 1230P  Seattle 930P  2/87-88

BN train 114 handled traffic for Kansas City and beyond.

114 Tulsa 1100A  Kansas City 1230A  1 81

BN train 115 handled traffic for Birmingham and beyond.

115 Kansas City 900P  Birmingham 130A  2 81

Burlington Northern train symbol 120 Plains, MT
Burlington Northern train symbol 120 Plains, MT

Train PBF (Portland Birmingham Forwarder) began in 1980, became train 140 Jan. 1, 1985 and became train 120 later that year. BN train 120 handled priority traffic for Lincoln, Kansas City, Springfield, Memphis, Birmingham, and beyond.

PBF Portland 600P  Birmingham 400P  5 80
120 Portland 630P  Birmingham 840P  4 86
120 Pasco 1030P  Birmingham 910P  4 5/88

Burlington Northern train symbol 121 Paola, KS
Burlington Northern train symbol 121 Paola, KS

Train BPX (Birmingham Portland Express) began in 1981, became train 140 on Jan. 1, 1985 and became train 121 later that year. In 1988, it handled priority traffic for Kansas City, Alliance, Laurel, Pasco, and beyond.

BPX Birmingham 530P  Portland 800A  5 81
121 Kansas City 500A  Pasco 735A  3 86
121 Memphis 900A  Pasco 1155A  4 5/88

Burlington Northern train symbol 122 Plains, MT
Burlington Northern train symbol 122 Plains, MT

Train 122 began Aug. 1, 1988 and operated from Spokane to Kansas City.

GN train 405 (Winnipeger) became BN train 123 and was deleted in 1974.

GN 405 St. Cloud 630P  Winnipeg 500P  1 68-70
BN 123 Minneapolis 230P  Winnipeg 200P  1 5/70
123 Minneapolis 230P  Winnipeg 500P  1 71
123 Minneapolis 1030A  Winnipeg 800A  73

Burlington Northern train symbol 123 Nimrod, MT
Burlington Northern train symbol 123 Nimrod, MT

Train 123 began Oct. 10, 1988 and operated over the MRL from Laurel to Pasco.

Train 124 began Aug. 1, 1988 and operated from Pasco to Birmingham.

GN train 406 became BN train 124 and was deleted in 1974.

GN 406 Winnipeg 600P  St. Cloud 100A  2 68
GN 406 Winnipeg 1015A  St. Cloud 100A  2 69
BN 124 Winnipeg 1000A  Minneapolis 600A  2 5/70
124 Winnipeg 1000A  Minneapolis 700P  71-73

BN train 125 began in 1970 and was deleted in 1974.

125 Minneapolis 230A  Superior 1130A  71-73

BN train 126 began in 1970 and was deleted in 1974.

126 Superior 200A  Minneapolis 1100A  71
126 Superior 600A  Minneapolis 300P  73

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