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When John Carr discontinued his CarrTracks website, a lot of historically important information about the BN became inaccessible. John has gratiously donated the relevant web pages and images to the FOBNR, which now hosts John's treasure trove of information. |
You are at: BN Symbol History Index
Beginning June 22, 1986, BN changed all of the extra train symbol designators from numbers to five letter symbols shown in parenthesis. This system lasted about two weeks before being changed back to the number system. On June 12, 1989 the extra symbols were changed again. As a result there should be very few extra trains running on the BN.
U54 (YLIWD) Lindenwood to Galesburg via Beardstown deleted in 1989.
U55 (YWDLI) Galesburg to Lindenwood via Beardstown deleted in 1989.
X01 (XCCGN) Chicago to Minot via Northtown and Dilworth deleted in 1989.
X02 (XGNCC) Minot to Chicago via Dilworth and Northtown changed in 1989, now Spokane to Chicago.
X03 (XCCLA) Chicago to Laurel via Northtown and Dilworth changed in 1989, now Chicago to Spokane.
X04 (XLACC) Laurel to Chicago via Dilworth and Northtown changed in 1989, now Pasco to Chicago.
Burlington Northern train symbol X05 at Tobin, MT
X05 (XBIPL) Birmingham to Lake Yard via Kansas City and Laurel changed in 1989, now Chicago to Spokane.
BN train symbols 77 and X06 at Missoula
X06 (XPLBI) Lake Yard to Birmingham via Laurel and Kansas City changed in 1989, now Pasco to Chicago.
X07 (XYAIB) Yardley to Interbay via Yakima and Auburn deleted in 1987. X07 began in 1989 Chicago to Spokane.
X08 (XIBYA) Interbay to Yardley via Auburn and Yakima deleted in 1987. X08 began in 1989 Spokane to Birmingham.
X09 began in 1989 Birmingham to Spokane.
X10 began in 1989 Pasco to Superior.
X11 (XSPGN) Daytons Bluff to Minot via Willmar changed in 1989, now Superior to Spokane.
X12 (XGNNT) Minot to Northtown via Willmar changed in 1989, now Pasco to Galveston.
BN train symbol X13 at Bison, MT.
X13 (XGNPL) Minot to Lake Yard via Whitefish and Pasco changed in 1989, now Galveston to Spokane.
X14 (XPLGN) Lake Yard to Minot via Whitefish changed in 1989, now Pasco to Aberdeen.
X15 began in 1989 Aberdeen to Pasco.
X16 began in 1989 Pasco to Laurel.
X17 (XWDGN) Galesburg to Minot via Northtown and Dilworth changed in 1989, now Laurel to Spokane.
X18 (XGNWD) Minot to Galesburg via Dilworth and Northtown changed in 1989, now Pasco to McCook.
X19 (XMUSX) Kansas City to Sioux City via Pacific Jct changed in 1989, now McCook to Spokane.
X20 (XSXMU) Sioux City to Kansas City via Pacific Jct changed in 1989, now Pasco to Omaha.
X21 (XTUFW) Tulsa to Fort Worth changed in 1989, now Omaha to Spokane.
X22 (XFWTU) Fort Worth to Tulsa changed in 1989, now Pasco to Sioux City.
X23 began in 1989 Sioux City to Spokane.
X24 (XCRLC) Casper to Lincoln via Northport and Brush changed in 1989, now Pasco to Great Falls.
X25 (XLCCR) Lincoln to Casper via Brush and Northport changed in 1989, now Great Falls to Spokane.
X26 (XBZVA) Bieber to Vancouver deleted in 1989.
X27 (XVABZ) Vancouver to Bieber deleted in 1989.
X28 (XHPLL) Hope to Madill deleted in 1989.
X29 (XLLHP) Madill to Hope deleted in 1989.
X30 (XPLIB) Lake Yard to Interbay changed in 1989, now Northtown to Birmingham.
X31 (XIBPL) Interbay to Lake Yard changed in 1989, now Birmingham to Northtown.
X32 (XDLSU) Dilworth to Superior via Staples and Brainerd changed in 1989, now Northtown to Paducah.
X33 (XSUDL) Superior to Dilworth via Brainerd and Staples changed in 1989, now Paducah to Northtown.
X34 (XGNSU) Minot to Superior via Grand Forks and Cass Lake changed in 1989, now Northtown to Mobile.
X35 (XSUGN) Superior to Minot via Cass Lake and Grand Forks changed in 1989, now Mobile to Northtown.
X36 (XFISI) Fort Smith to Springfield changed in 1989, now Northtown to Galveston.
X37 (XSIFI) Springfield to Fort Smith changed in 1989, now Galveston to Willmar.
X38 (XWISI) Wichita to Springfield via Monette changed in 1989, now Grand Forks to Northtown.
X39 (XSIWI) Springfield to Wichita via Monette changed in 1989, now Northtown to Grand Forks.
X40 (XQNTU) Quanah to Tulsa changed in 1989, now Omaha to Mobile.
X41 (XTUQN) Tulsa to Quanah changed in 1989, now Mobile to Omaha.
X42 (XLITH) Lindenwood to Thayer via Memphis changed in 1989, now Fargo to Mobile.
X43 (XTHLI) Thayer to Lindenwood via Memphis changed in 1989, now Mobile to Fargo.
X46 (XHLHO) Holyoke to Holdrege changed in 1989, now Northtown to Chicago.
X47 (XHOHL) Holdrege to Holyoke changed in 1989, now Chicago to Northtown.
X48 (XMUWD) Kansas City to Galesburg via W Quincy changed in 1989, now Kansas City to Chicago.
X49 (XWDMU) Galesburg to Kansas City via W Quincy changed in 1989, now Chicago to Kansas City.
X50 (XDTCC) Denver to Chicago via Lincoln and Galesburg.
Burlington Northern train symbol X51 Chariton, Iowa
X51 (XCCDT) Chicago to Denver via Galesburg and Lincoln.
X52 (XRALC) Ravenna to Lincoln changed in 1989, now Alliance to Galveston.
X53 (XLCRA) Lincoln to Ravenna changed in 1989, now Galveston to Alliance.
X54 (XLIWD) Lindenwood to Galesburg via Beardstown deleted in 1989.
X55 (XWDLI) Galesburg to Lindenwood via Beardstown deleted in 1989.
X56 (XLIBG) Lindenwood to Burlington via W Quincy deleted in 1989.
X57 (XBGLI) Burlington to Lindenwood via W Quincy and North St Louis deleted in 1989.
X58 (XSUMU) Superior to Kansas City via Northtown and Lincoln deleted in 1989.
X59 (XMUSU) Kansas City to Superior via Lincoln and Northtown deleted in 1989.
X60 began in 1989 Ft Worth to Tulsa.
X61 (XSXLA) Sioux City to Laurel via Aberdeen and Mobridge changed in 1989, now Tulsa to Ft Worth.
X62 (XGZMU) Hastings to Kansas City via Lincoln, Pacific Jct and St Joseph changed in 1989, now Tulsa to St Louis.
X63 (XMUGZ) Kansas City to Hastings via St Joseph, Pacific Jct and Lincoln changed in 1989, now St Louis to Tulsa.
X64 (XLASX) Laurel to Sioux City via Mobridge, Aberdeen and Mitchell changed in 1989, now Avard to Tulsa.
X65 (XWMLA) Willmar to Laurel via Aberdeen and Mobridge changed in 1989, now Tulsa to Avard.
X66 (XLAWM) Laurel to Willmar via Mobridge and Aberdeen changed in 1989, now Tulsa to Memphis.
X67 began in 1989 Memphis to Tulsa.
X70 began in 1989 Dickinson to Mobile.
X71 (XTUAM) Tulsa to Amarillo via Quanah changed in 1989, now Mobile to Sioux City.
X72 (XAMTU) Amarillo to Tulsa via Quanah changed in 1989, now Dickinson to Dalhart.
X73 (XALLA) Alliance to Laurel via Casper changed in 1989, now Dalhart to Dickinson.
X74 (XLAAL) Laurel to Alliance via Casper deleted in 1989.
X75 (XLAYA) Laurel to Yardley via Great Falls and Whitefish deleted in 1989.
X76 (XYALA) Yardley to Laurel via Whitefish and Great Falls deleted in 1989.
X77 (XGEYA) Galveston to Yardley via Denver and Casper deleted in 1989.
X78 (XYAGE) Yardley to Galveston via Casper and Denver changed in 1989, now Seattle to Portland.
X79 began in 1989, now Portland to Seattle.
X80 began in 1989 Seattle to Spokane.
X81 (XTUAX) Tulsa to Avard changed in 1989, now Spokane to Seattle.
X82 (XAXTU) Avard to Tulsa changed in 1989, now Seattle to Spokane.
X83 (XMUTU) Kansas City to Tulsa via Ft Scott and Columbus changed in 1989, now Spokane to Seattle.
X84 (XTUMU) Tulsa to Kansas City via Columbus and Ft Scott changed in 1989, now Portland to Spokane.
X85 began in 1989 Spokane to Portland.
X86 began in 1989 Portland to Eugene.
X87 (XMHTU) Memphis to Tulsa via Springfield changed in 1989, now Eugene to Portland.
X88 (XTUMH) Tulsa to Memphis via Springfield changed in 1989, now Wishram to Bieber.
X89 began in 1989 Bieber to Wishram.
X90 (XTULI) Tulsa to Lindenwood changed in 1989, now Vancouver, BC to Seattle.
X91 (XLITU) Lindenwood to Tulsa changed in 1989, now Seattle to Vancouver, BC.
X92 (XPNAY) Pensacola to Amory deleted in 1989.
X93 (XAYPN) Amory to Pensacola deleted in 1989.
X94 (XMOAY) Mobile to Amory changed in 1989, now Kansas City to Creston.
X95 (XAYMO) Amory to Mobile changed in 1989, now Creston to Kansas City.
X96 began in 1989 Creston to Peoria.
X97 began in 1989 Peoria to Creston.
X98 (XMHLI) Memphis to Lindenwood changed in 1989, now Amory to Pensacola.
X99 (XLIMH) Lindenwood to Memphis changed in 1989, now Pensacola to Amory.