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When John Carr discontinued his CarrTracks website, a lot of historically important information about the BN became inaccessible. John has gratiously donated the relevant web pages and images to the FOBNR, which now hosts John's treasure trove of information. |
You are at: BN Symbol History Index
All grain trains begin with the letter G and until
May 18, 1989 were followed
by another letter and a number. If a letter was second, it
was a loaded train. If a number was second it was an empty.
Example: GA5 loaded grain from Creston to Kalama, WA
The following were the interchange or loading point letters:
A Creston or Des Moines, Iowa
B Lincoln, NE
C Willmar, Fargo, ND or Sioux City, Iowa
D Dayton Bluff and Twin Cities area
E Dickinson, Mandan, or Dilworth
F Great Falls
G Aberdeen, SD
H Oxford, NE
K Kansas City, MO
M McCook, NE
N Enid, OK
O Omaha, NE
R Denver or Sterling, CO
S Spokane, WA
W Wichita, KS
The following were the unloading or interchange point numbers:
0 Duluth or Superior, WIS
1 Seattle, WA
2 Tacoma, WA
3 Portland, OR
4 Dalhart, NM
5 Kalama, WA
6 Klamath Falls, OR
7 Houston or Galveston, TX
8 Mobile, AL
9 President's Island, ARK
On May 18, 1989 all grain train symbols were changed to the compass system of symbols.
G02 Spokane to Chicago empty replaced G1E.
G03 Chicago to Spokane loads replaced GE1 and GE3.
G04 Pasco to Chicago empty replaced G1D, G3D, G6D, G2D and G3E.
G05 Chicago to Spokane loads replaced GD1, GD2, GD3, GD5 and GD6.
G06 Pasco to Chicago empty replaced G1A, G1B, G2A, G2B, G3A, G3B, G5D, G5A and G7A.
G07 Chicago to Spokane loads replace GA1, GA2, GA3, GA5, GB1, GB2, GB3, GB4 and GD5.
G08 Spokane to Birmingham loads replaced GK9.
G09 Birmingham to Spokane empty replaced G8B, G8M and GO5.
G10 Pasco to Superior empty replaced G34.
G11 Superior to Spokane loads replaced G35.
G12 Pasco to Galveston empty replaced G1R, G2R, G3R and G5R.
G13 Galveston to Spokane loads replaced GR1, GR2, GR3 and GR5.
G14 Pasco to Aberdeen empty replaced G3G, G1G, G2G, G5G and G26.
G15 Aberdeen to Pasco loads replaced GG1, GG2, GG3 and GG5.
G16 Pasco to Laurel empty replaced G1F and G3F.
G17 Laurel to Spokane loads replaced GF1 and FF3.
G18 Pasco to McCook empty replaced G1M, G2M, G3M and G5M.
G19 McCook to Spokane loads replaced GM1, GM2, GM3 and GM5.
G20 Pasco to Omaha empty replaced G1O, G2O and G3O.
G21 Omaha to Spokane loads replaced GO1, GO2, GO3 and GO5.
G22 Pasco to Sioux City empty replaced G1C, G2C, G3C and G5C.
G23 Sioux City to Spokane loads replaced GC1, GC2, GC3 and GC5.
G24 Pasco to Great Falls empty replaced G2F.
G34 Northtown to Mobile loads replaced GD8.
G35 Mobile to Northtown empty replaced G19 and G8D.
G36 Northtown to Galveston loads replaced GK7, GB7, GH7, GN7 and GA7.
G37 Galveston to Willmar empty replaced G7B, G7A and G7N.
G38 Grand Forks to Northtown loads replaced G82.
G40 Omaha to Mobile loads replaced GO8 and GO9.
G41 Mobile to Omaha empty replaced G8E and G19.
G42 Fargo to Mobile loads replaced GC8, GC9, GA8, GA9 and GB8.
G43 Mobile to Fargo empty replaced G19 and G8C.
G44 Lincoln to Galveston loads replaced GB4 and GM7.
G45 Galveston to Lincoln empty replaced G7M.
G46 Northtown to Chicago loads replaced G04.
G47 Chicago to Northtown empty replaced G03.
G50 Denver to Chicago loads replaced GA8, GM8, GB8, GH7 and GM9.
G51 Chicago to Denver empty replaced G8A, G8B, G8M, G7H and G9M.
G52 Alliance to Galveston loads replaced GR7.
G53 Galveston to Alliance empty replaced G7R.
G60 Ft Worth to Tulsa empty replaced G7K.
G61 Tulsa to Ft Worth loads replaced GK7.
G64 Avard to Tulsa loads replaced GN7.
G65 Tulsa to Avard empty replaced G7N.
G70 Dickinson to Mobile loads replaced GM8, GM9 and GE8.
G71 Mobile to Sioux City empty replaced G8E.
G72 Dickinson to Dalhart loads replaced GA4, GC4 and GK7.
G73 Dalhart to Dickinson empty replaced G4A, G4C and G7K.
G80 Seattle to Spokane empty replaced G1C, G1A, G1D, G1B, G1R, G1F and G1O.
G81 Spokane to Seattle loads replaced GA1, GB1, GC1, GD1, GE1, GE1, GF1, GG1, GM1, GO1, GR1 and GS2.
G82 Seattle to Spokane empty replaced G2S, G2B, G2A, G5A, G5B, G5C, G2C, G2D, G2G, G5D, G3S, G3E, G2F, G5M, G5S, G5G, G3F, G2M, G6D, G5R and G2R.
G83 Spokane to Seattle loads replaced GA5, GA2, GB2, GB5, GC2, GC5, GS5, GD1, GD5, GO1, GG2, GG5, GR5, GR2, GM2, GM5, GS2 and GS3.
G84 Portland to Spokane empty replaced G3B, G3D, G3G, G3A, G3O, G3C, G3M and G3R.
G85 Spokane to Portland loads replaced GA3, GB3, GC3,GD3, GE3, GG3, GM3, GO3, GR3, GO5 and GD6.
G88 Wishram to Bieber loads replaced GD6.
G89 Bieber to Wishram empty replaced G6D.
G94 Kansas City to Creston empty replaced G7A, G5A and G4A.
G95 Creston to Kansas City loads replaced GA7, GA9 and GA4.
G96 Creston to Peoria loads.
G97 Peoria to Creston empty.